Why Retainers Are Important After Orthodontic Treatment???

In our day to day orthodontic consultations, several patients who are supposed to have their braces removed generally ask us that why do they need to wear a retainer, what is the use of orthodontic treatment if I have to wear the retainer even after the treatment. Now, the answer to this question is that orthodontic treatment is an esthetic as well as functional treatment. So we have to work against what was natural make up of muscles and their coordination since birth. Also for instance imagine you got your kidney stone removed once, does that mean that the kidney stone is never going to form again? Also after kidney stone removal, do you say that what is the use of caring about the water and food intake so as to prevent the causing of kidney stone again?? The same thing goes with orthodontic treatment and to maintain it into a desired state THE PATIENT MUST WEAR RETAINER!!

Are you excited about finally getting your braces off?

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Getting your braces off means you can finally eat those foods you have been waiting for but couldn’t because of braces. However, your orthodontic treatment isn’t over yet! To avoid your teeth from reverting back to their original positions, you should get your retainers, to ensure a long-lasting smile for life.

Once braces are removed, wearing an orthodontic retainer is the next very crucial step in keeping the teeth straight. Patients must never underestimate the second part of the teeth straightening process since they must wear the retainer in order to receive and maintain the absolute best teeth straightening results.

What are Retainers?

A retainer is a plastic or metal appliance that maintains your straight teeth after orthodontic treatment. Retainers are custom-made to fit your teeth perfectly. They apply pressure and avoid the teeth from drifting back to their original position.

There are several types of retainers, but the most commonly used is removable and fixed retainers. The best retainer for you will be decided by the orthodontist, which will be based on the type of treatment done.

Types of Retainers

While there are a different types of retainers available, the orthodontist is the one who determines which type of retainer works the best for the particular patient.

Image source- https://tenor.com
  1. Removable Retainers-  Also known as a traditional retainer, removable retainers can rest against the top part of the mouth so that the wire covers the front part of the teeth. As the name suggests, it can be removed on the will of the patient and has to be cleaned everyday.
  2. Permanent Retainers – Permanent retainers consist of a wire that is glued to the back side of the bottom teeth for a set amount of time in order to straighten them. We usually do not glue permanent retainers to the upper teeth because the bottom teeth can hit the wire.
  3. Clear Overlay Removable Retainers – Clear overlay retainers are similar to that of an Invisalign® aligner and are what we often use for dental patients who need a guard that will help protect the teeth if clenching or grinding is an issue.

Why Orthodontic Retainers Are Important??

The reason why it is utmost important to wear an orthodontic retainer after the initial teeth straightening process is completed, is to help keep the teeth from shifting back into their original position.

How long the patient will need to wear the retainer?

It is going to be dependent on a few factors, with most patients wearing them for a period of about two years to some cases which may have need life time retention. While some dental patients may need to wear a retainer all the time, others may need to only wear it for a certain amount of hours or at night. If the possibility of the teeth slowly but surely going back to their original, crooked position is high, a retainer will be the most effective option for keeping the teeth straight.

How Retainers Help You After Orthodontic Treatment?

1.  Stabilize your tooth position

After your orthodontic treatment the soft tissues around your teeth need some time to adapt to the changes. With the help of retainers, they stabilize in their new position, and prevent relapse of your treatment. This will ensure you have long-lasting results after your orthodontic treatment. The diligent use of retainers will ensure that the teeth don’t shift or crowd, and you/ your child will have the perfect smile.

2.  Prevent treatment relapse

If you just got your braces removed, there’s a high chance your teeth will start moving back to their original position. A retainer can prevent this reversal. However, depending on your case your orthodontist will recommend the number of years you will have to wear your retainers.

If you have got braces to correct the gaps between your teeth, it will take longer for the teeth to stabilize. Especially, if you have got them for severely displaced teeth, large overbites, and underbites. It is important to hold the teeth, which have been repositioned. Retainers will help to hold them in their new spaces until your mouth can adapt to these changes.

3.  They align your jaw bones with gums

When your teeth have been aligned into the new position, the gums and bones surrounding the teeth will take longer to adjust to this new arrangement. Retainers will help you retain their position and ensure your alignment. It will also prevent misaligned jaws and protect you from various other dental issues. 

4. Can be used as night guard

For patients who have the habit of clenching their teeth or grinding teeth in sleep, they need a protective shield over their teeth to stop undue forces over the teeth and the surrounding structures. So clear type of retainer can play a role of retainer as well as guard to protect your teeth.

Caring for your retainer

It is important to take the steps necessary to keep your retainer in good condition. Bacteria can accumulate in the mouth, which often cause damage to the teeth.

Image source- https://www3.aaoinfo.org
  1. It is important to ensure that your retainer is clean and well-maintained to ensure that it is sanitary and and ot out of shape to maintain its capability of keeping your teeth straightened effectively.
  2. Ensure that you rinse your retainer in cold water before and after use. You should never place a retainer in hot water, as this can cause it to shrink.
  3. If you have a permanent retainer, you will need to follow the same processes to clean them as you did with braces.
  4. Store your removable retainer in a retainer case whenever it is not in use.
  5. You will also need to wash your retainer with a specialized cleaner every few months.
  6. Ensure that you keep your retainer away from pets, as this is one of the leading causes of damage to retainers.

Because orthodontic retainers are an essential part of the teeth straightening process, they must be worn according to the orthodontist’s instructions. While it may be tempting to not always wear the retainer if you choose not to, understand that the entire teeth straightening process will take longer.

If you have any questions about the teeth straightening process or about a specific orthodontic retainer, we invite you to contact us so that we can assist you. Any query related to the duration of when and how long to wear a retainer, we are just a call or email away. You can write to us at

Email: 100nidc@gmail.com
Whatsapp- +91-7016304744
Instagram: @namah_ortho_dental_clinic

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