All of us have had bitter experiences while dealing with some of our patients, irrespective of you being an experienced doctor or a fresher. The patients with stubborn mindset give us a really hard time even if we wish to deliver the best treatment possible.

The patients might rate us lower in standard compared to others or ‘expensive’ compared to other doctors. Some patients might have googled taught treatment plan for you to treat them. Some of the patients always are late for appointments even after repeated reminders. Some patients might really test your patience while they are explained the treatment plan and even after thoroughly explaining the entire plan, they would still have the same doubts in the next appointment. Or even a patient after completely explaining the treatment plan and charges, they would refuse to get treated mid-way or might not want to pay for the treatment in the middle of treatment.

1. Your charges are too high


For the patients, who feel you are very expensive, do not explain them. Very plainly, one need not justify why he or she is excellent. Just calmly tell them that you will shortly know about our expertise of treating and satisfying your need. And make sure you provide them the best possible treatment for his/her pain or need. Let your work speak on behalf of your charges.

2. Give me a discount


When patients say this, don’t react immediately or don’t agree to them instantly.You may judge yourself when the patients really should be given a discount. The best answer to this can be you can say your discount to the patient will be in the form of painless and best possible treatment. Also be generous to give them some complimentary treatments like scaling or restoration of a minor cavity when they have had long treatment done by you.

3. Other doctor charges less


Do not criticize others for not charging more. Do not lower down your charges just because others are doing it. Know your worth yourself. When a patient compares you with someone else, be humble enough to accept it. In your defense you can just tell the patient that we assure you the best treatment from our end and that is our lifelong promise. We want you to get the best and will never compromise with the quality for you. Also do stand true to your words, do not give him sub-standard
treatment in any case. You might straight away decline for treating if it doesn’t suit your cost of treatment, but do not compromise with the quality. If the quality is compromised, there is going to be a
free and widespread ill marketing for you.
Also not to forget, try having a soft corner for really needy ones. In your practice you will surely come across patients who have almost zero finances to pay you, but they are in lot of pain. Here comes the role of your Hippocratic Oath, you should serve them, not for free, but because your soul is getting paid!!

4. It was not even five minutes and you charged this much
Take the entire situation on a funnier side. Tell the patient, you should rather not pay me if I take more than five minutes. My expertise lies in how quickly and accurately can I diagnose and treat your condition.

5. Sorry I am late


Write a little note in your waiting room- “Not being on time will cost you increased appointments; if you like to see us often, we would love to meet you too!”
This will serve the purpose, with zero usage of ATP from your body.

6. I want to discontinue the treatment
If some patients where we have planned a full-fledged treatment plan, refuses it midway, that’s the biggest nightmare for any clinician. It can happen that you have invested a lot of your time and money for delivering what the patient had asked for, and now when you are halfway through, he would deny to go further with it.

This situation should be dealt with a lot of patience. Ask what is the reason for the denial. Ask about dissatisfaction or fear about the results. In that case you have to explain the entire plan with each steps and number of appointments well in advance along with the treatment charges. Explain the end results and approximate time that is required to achieve that. Also do make them sign a consent letter wherein the treatment plan, cost and approximate time for the completion is clearly mentioned along with medical condition of the patient. Also mention a clause that if patient leaves the treatment midway, he is liable to pay 80% of the charges. (Decide % according to your treatment cost)

Even after all this, if the patient denies to continue, do not go for an argument, show him the consent form, take the cost of treatment and leave the patient with a parting note of- “looking forward to treat you in future”.

7. Some patients are extremely fearsome about the treatment
There will be patients who are extremely fearsome and would begin to cry even before we have even started with the treatment. Be very patient, explain them the procedure before you start the treatment, tell them when it is going to hurt and when it is not. Also mention about the consequences if they tend to suddenly move while you are injecting or treating with equipment. Keep on talking to them and give necessary gaps in the midst of treatment so as to treat them smoothly. Start with non-invasive procedures first and then head towards invasive ones.

In any case, you as a doctor are supposed to never lose your calm and react abruptly. Always tackle a complicated situation with lots of patience. Sometimes you might lose your calm because of your own mistake. Even in that condition, you should not panic but be calm and inform the patient about
the situation and explain them the further change of treatment plan. Also consult an expert for further guidance for the same situation.


Last but not the least, do remember the words of our esteemed leader
Swami Vivekananda- “In a day, when you don’t come across any problems – you can be sure that you are travelling in a wrong path.”
So do not worry if there are difficulties in your practice. Learn from each
of them and improve each day.

If you have dealt with these situations in your practice, we want to know if these can be useful for you. Or if you feel like discussing more about it or want to give some suggestion or compliments, we
(Dr. Mishita and Dr. Harshit) are here for at Namah orthodontic and dental clinic. You may drop emails at We would Ike to hear more from you guys. Happy practicing!!

Contact us/ DM us on:
Whatsapp- +91-7016304744
Instagram: @namah_ortho_dental_clinic


  1. Dr Jainav Thakkar avatar
    Dr Jainav Thakkar

    Really well explained, would try some of these in practice….


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